GPHR certification

After posting about my HRCI GPHR certification, A lot of people have been reaching out to me to know more about the exam and how to prepare for it, as well as the benefits of obtaining the GPHR certification. I’d like to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with you.

What is the HRCI GPHR certification?
The GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resources) certification is a credential from the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) that demonstrates your expertise in multinational HR responsibilities. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including:
1) Strategic HR management
2) Organizational development
3) Global talent acquisition
4) Global mobility
5) Compensation and benefits
6) Global labour relations
7) Global ethics and compliance
8) Global risk management

What are the benefits of earning the HRCI GPHR certification?
Obtaining the GPHR certification can significantly enhance your career as an HR professional. It demonstrates to employers that you have a deep understanding of global HR practices, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s globalized business environment. It can also lead to increased job opportunities and salary potential.

Minimum Qualifications for the GPHR:
1) Two years of experience in a global professional-level HR position and a Master’s degree or higher.
2) Three years of experience in a worldwide professional-level HR position and a Bachelor’s degree.
3) Four years of experience in a worldwide professional-level HR position and a high school diploma.
Comprehensive HR experience is defined as having direct, cross-border HR responsibilities for two or more countries or regions.

Cost: The GPHR costs $495 for the exam fee, plus a $100 application fee. Purchasing the tests/study material is optional, it costs another $500.

How do I prepare for the HRCI GPHR exam?
The HRCI GPHR exam is a challenging exam, but it’s definitely possible to pass it with the right preparation. Here are a few tips:
1) Start studying early. The exam covers a lot of material, so it’s important to give yourself plenty of time to study.
2) Use a variety of study materials offered by HRCI- Book, practice tests and audio files. I personally found the audio files very helpful.
3) Studying with others can help you stay motivated and on track. I prepared for this certification with my friend who was a perfect study partner for me. Our discussions brought us better clarity and helped us remember different concepts.
4) Take practice exams. It is a great way to assess your knowledge and identify areas where you need to focus your studies.
5) On the day of the exam, make sure to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.

Completing the certification while having a full-time job & household responsibilities was a challenging but rewarding experience. I hope this information is helpful! If you have any other questions about the HRCI GPHR certification, please feel free to leave a comment below.

About Mukesh Bhavsar

Mukesh is an engineer turned HR professional but rather much more than that. An explorer in all senses Mukesh likes to put himself to good use volunteering for NGOs, travelling the world, expressing himself through word and photographs, and making new friends. He is a global citizen with a global outlook!
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